The Guaranteed Endowment Policy offers you a guaranteed insurance protection and also provides a mechanism for income-earners to dedicate themselves to a savings plan aimed at accumulating funds. The policy is available for 5 to 20 year terms provided that the maturity age is not more than 65.
What benefits are available?
- You will be paid a handsome endowment (comprising the guaranteed Sum Assured plus Terminal Bonus, if chosen) at the maturity of the policy;
- Beneficiaries will be paid the guaranteed Sum Assured when the policyholder dies before the maturity date;
- It includes an optional rider to stop further payment of premiums till the maturity of the policy, should the policyholder become permanently and totally disabled any time after the policy has been in force for duration of six (6) consecutive months involving the payment of six (6) monthly premiums.
- In the event of waiver of premiums, the Sum Assured plus the Terminal Bonus will be paid to you if the policy is allowed to run till the maturity date.
- After one year, you may choose to increase the Sum Assured subject to satisfaction of underwriting requirements.
How different is this policy from the others on the market?
- This policy will pay you a TERMINAL BONUS in addition to the guaranteed value of the Sum Assured when the policy remains in force to the maturity date.
- The AUTOMATIC PREMIUM PAYMENT PROVISION ascertains that the policy remains in force even if you cannot pay premiums, provided the outstanding value of the policy can sustain premium deductions.
- No policy loan is allowed until the policy has run for five (5) years. This means that while no policy loan is grantable on the five (5) year plan; policy loans will be available on the rest of the plans.
How are premiums paid?
You can pay your premiums in any of the following four ways to the Company.
- by employer deducting it from member’s salary and remitting it;
- by authorizing the bank to remit it;
- Mobile money
- Cash/Cheque
How regular should I pay my premiums?
Premiums may be paid;
- monthly,
- quarterly
- half-yearly, or
- yearly as may be desired.
For further information, contact accredited sales representatives, any SIC LIFE Office near you or the offices listed on this site.